How Can Upper Cervical Care Help with Autism and Similar Conditions?

Home /How Can Upper Cervical Care Help with Autism and Similar Conditions?

Neurodevelopmental health is essential - it dictates how we operate and determines our well-being and ability to function in everyday life. When one is diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disorder, it can be scary and unnerving, but there are many options to help relieve symptoms, and chiropractors can help address the cause of neurodevelopmental disorders/ 

Since 2008, Lazar Spinal Care has helped people with the following neurodevelopmental conditions:

- Autism


- Sensory Disorders

- Pervasive Developmental Disorder

- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


What is Autism?

Autism, also referred to as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD),  is a condition that impacts the way someone learns, receives sensory input, and interacts with others. Those who have autism may have repetitive behaviors, challenges socializing with others, and uneven development of skills. This condition usually presents in children around the ages of 18 months to 2 years but can be diagnosed at any point in someone’s life. Notable symptoms include lack of eye contact, flat intonation of speech, high sensitivity to sensory details, and inability to interact with or listen to others. This condition is lifelong and can have a lasting impact on one’s ability to communicate and interact with the world around them. Autism is a spectrum and some people with autism may be able to do well in school and jobs without any problems. On the other side of the spectrum, some individuals require continuous support in aspects of everyday life. Chiropractic treatment is not a cure for autism, but it can help relieve symptoms associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder, allowing individuals to live a fuller life. Autism is impacted by brain functioning and the alignment of the spine also impacts that. When the spine is not aligned correctly, it can worsen the functioning of many areas of the brain, including sensory input, and can lead to a lack of reception of information sent to the brain. Correcting the alignment helps relieve symptoms including physical symptoms such as constipation and neurological symptoms with overstimulation.

What is ADHD?

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition that impacts how the brain functions, and causes issues with attention and hyperactivity. Individuals with ADHD may struggle with concentration, impulsivity, and excess movement. ADHD is a permanent lifelong disorder that has a strong impact on people’s relationships, ability to function at school or a job, and everyday functioning. ADHD is often diagnosed in children when they enter school and presents issues with completing schoolwork or disruption in class. Symptoms of ADHD include lack of attention, issues with disorganization, fidgeting, and an inability to stay seated or still for long periods of time. There is no cure for ADHD, but chiropractic care can help relieve symptoms associated with hyperactivity and focus. By fixing the alignment of the spine, chiropractors can help with nervous system function, leading to better outcomes and relief of symptoms.

What is Sensory Processing Disorder?

Sensory Processing Disorder is a condition that impacts how the brain receives sensory information, also known as stimuli. Those who have sensory processing disorder may be oversensitive to sensory input, such as becoming overwhelmed by common sounds or not being able to wear certain types of clothing. On the other hand, some people with Sensory Processing Disorder may not be sensitive to stimuli and may not be able to recognize things in their environment. Individuals impacted by this disorder may seemingly overreact to sensory information, such as hiding when hearing a leaf blower or screaming from touch, or they may have an underwhelming response, like not being able to feel extreme temperature changes or even have a response to pain. This condition is often diagnosed in children, but adults can have Sensory Processing Disorder as well. Chiropractic care involving the realignment of the vertebrae can help improve neurological processing and relieve symptoms associated with Sensory Processing Disorder. Vertebrae misalignment can cause improper processing of stimuli in the brain and reception of nerve signals. Fixing the vertebrae alignment can help restore neurological functioning.

What is Pervasive Developmental Disorder?

Similar to Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder can cause delays in learning skills such as communication and social skills. Symptoms of Pervasive Developmental DIsorder include trouble understanding language, difficulty adjusting to changes in routine, and repetitive behaviors. This condition can often be identified when children are infants and is usually diagnosed by the time a child is 3 years old. Symptoms can vary, with some children having average skills while some may be nonverbal, and some children may not have repetitive behaviors or problems understanding language. PDD can be caused by misalignment in the spine that disrupts the communication of signals to the brain. Care focused on correcting spinal alignment and optimizing neurological function often addresses the cause of neurodevelopmental challenges, including communication difficulties and language processing difficulties.

What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, is a long-term condition that causes repetitive and uncontrollable thinking patterns, called obsessions, causing individuals to participate in repetitive behaviors known as compulsions. Individuals with OCD may have obsessions or compulsions, or struggle with both. Common symptoms include fear of forgetting or losing something, a need to have things in perfect order, and panic towards germs. Compulsive behaviors that are common include repeatedly checking things, repetitive counting, and excessive hand washing. People with OCD typically lack control with their obsessions or compulsions and experience a multitude of challenges in daily life because of these thoughts and behaviors. OCD symptoms can present at any point in time, but often show up in early adulthood. Misalignment in the spine can cause issues with the operation of the nervous system, resulting in amplification of these symptoms. Chiropractic care involving the realignment of the spine can help with symptom relief of obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors.

Living life with a neurodevelopmental disorder can be challenging and seem endlessly difficult. Upper Cervical Chiropractic care involving realignment of the spine and vertebrae can help immensely with these conditions and allow those impacted by neurodevelopmental disorders to live an easier and well-lived life. If you are experiencing symptoms of neurodevelopmental conditions, reach out to us today.

By | July 26th, 2024 | autonomic, autism, neurodevelopmental | Comments Off

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