Lazar Spinal Care, P.C. Blog

Resolution of Vertigo, Migraines and Neck Pain

Written by Dr. Jonathan Lazar | Sep 30, 2010 8:20:31 PM

Resolution of Vertigo, Migraines and Neck Pain in a 12 Year Old Boy Receiving Chiropractic Care – A Case Study


Objective: This article describes and discusses changes in vertigo, migraine and neck pain symptoms in a 12 year old boy receiving chiropractic care.

Clinical Features: A twelve year old boy with a long history of routine, recurrent dizziness, chronic neck pain and migraines presented for chiropractic care. These symptoms resulted in him being absent from school more than half of the time for the previous seven years.

Intervention and Outcome: The patient received high velocity low amplitude thrust chiropractic adjustments for the reduction of vertebral subluxations over a twelve month period. The C2 and C6 spinal segments were regularly adjusted over this timeframe, as well as mid-thoracic vertebrae and the sacrum. The initial frequency of care was three chiropractic visits per week for four weeks. Visit frequency was then gradually reduced over the next 12 months to one visit per month. Besides the chiropractic adjustments the patient was also advised to perform cervical stretches (lateral flexion, rotation and flexion/extension) twice daily. After the first week of chiropractic care the patient reported a cessation of his headaches and neck ache. His vertigo attacks decreased in frequency and became less severe, then ceased altogether. His attendance improved dramatically at school and dropped from 223 half days absent the previous year to 56 half days absent for the 12 months after beginning chiropractic care.

Conclusion: This case report describes a child who reported a cessation in symptoms of vertigo, neck pain and headaches after beginning chiropractic care. There are a growing number of case reports that suggest chiropractic care may be beneficial for patients suffering from vertigo, so you can also check out this content. Further study is required to investigate the role chiropractors may play in caring for people with vertigo.

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